Anne Bollman: Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Sunday Meeting of February 09, 2025

Where we focus our attention in our lives is very important.  It can determine the quality of our life and the direction it takes.

Anne Bollman H.W.,M. has been a Prosperos student since she was introduced to our School through her parents. She is a member of the High Watch and a Mentor.  She has given monitor classes and workshops along with giving Sunday Meeting talks.  She also serves on the Board of Trustees and on the Executive Council. Her interests include studies in mythology, astrology, history and science.

This presentation is about 23 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction, Ruth Backlund reads Thane’s Transcendental Interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer (from 1973).

Heather Williams: Connecting With Our Innate Self

Sunday Meeting of October 20, 2024

It is time for all of us to learn about our INNATE SELF. It is the part of us that lives constantly within us all - through all the different changes that we experience. HEY! What is our INNATE SELF?  Well, if you look up the word "INNATE" you find the words: Native, Inborn and Inherent - which also mean Essential and Intrinsic or basic and necessary. Our INNATE SELF is the Source of our creativity.

Heather became a Mentor in The Prosperos School of Ontology in 1978. She has taught the Prosperos classes (Translation® and Releasing the Hidden Splendour™) for many years in many different cities. For ten years she traveled the world and led drawing exercises for hundreds of people with the Louise Hay Int’l Teacher Training. Heather is a retired Art and Special Ed teacher for high school and middle school students. She is the author of the book: Drawing as a Sacred Activity.

This presentation is about 31 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction.

Anne Bollman: Finding Wholeness in a Fragmented World

Sunday Meeting of october 13, 2024

“Finding Wholeness in a Fragmented World”

David Bohm was a physicist and a contemporary of Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr and Werner Heisenberg.  But he was not satisfied with the traditional view of physics.  He thought there had to be more to how we have fragmented ourselves from our world.  His search led him to find the wholeness behind this apparent fragmentation and to understand the implicit order of consciousness.

Anne Bollman H.W.,M. has been a Prosperos student since she was introduced to our School through her parents. She is a member of the High Watch and a Mentor.  She has given monitor classes and workshops along with giving Sunday Meeting talks.  She also serves on the Board of Trustees and on the Executive Council. Her interests include studies in mythology, astrology, history and science.

This presentation is about 21 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction and Bob Labanset reads Thane’s Transcendental Interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer (1973).

William Fennie: Flipping Out for Creative Empowerment: Transcending Astrological Factors

Sunday Meeting of September 15, 2024

Come join William Fennie, H.W., M. as he presents on the intriguing topic Flipping Out for Creative Empowerment: Transcending Astrological Factors. According to William:

“In this presentation, we will look intently at current indicators (weather report). The Prosperos views such reports as change drivers. Getting a sane perspective on all of this weather will be of great use to students and also to those who are new to the Prosperos.”

William Fennie is Dean of The Prosperos and began his study in 1973, working with students in Santa Monica CA, Denver CO, Kailua-Kona HI, and elsewhere.

This presentation is about 50 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction.

Sara Walker On Prosperos Assembly 2024

An interview with Alana Sofia Fennie

The Prosperos Assembly 2024, Creative Empowerment for Change, takes place September 28th and 29th and is delivered online through Zoom.

Join Alana Sofia Fennie as she speaks to Sara Walker, H.W., about Assembly 2024 and Sara’s evocatively titled Assembly talk Consciousness in Play. You’ll want to listen to the whole interview to find out what that title means — and to get some tips to make the most of your Assembly 2024.

Sara serves as High Watch president, Assembly committee chair and on the Communications team. She also is the coordinator of the High Watch Translation Service, receiving requests for Translation and forwarding them to High Watch members to Translate. 

Register for Assembly 2024!

Sara (Dauer) Walker has been a Prosperos student since 1970, when she took a university course and chose The Prosperos to study. She has been a long-time Realtor and dancer, living with Patrick and their 2-cat family in Phoenix, Oregon.

This interview was recorded on August 23, 2024 and is about 21 minutes long.

John Atwater: Methods of Empowerment for Change

Sunday Meeting of August 18, 2024

John Atwater, H.W., introduces to several easy-to-learn and widely used methods for changing and empowering the state of your body and consciousness.

John Atwater was born in Denver, Colorado, and lived in several communities along the front range. He attended The University of Colorado in Boulder for three years until seeking higher knowledge at the Prosperos in 1972. He relocated just in time for the Fall Series. It was a wonderful time as Aloha Retreats, Cultural History by Mary Ritley, Thane teaching astrology, and Carol Carter doing Psychodrama were all happening. He earned his High Watch. After soaking it all in for four years, he returned to Colorado to buy a home. He finished his degree, as well as a teaching certification, and became an elementary teacher. Now retired, during Covid he participated in Calvin's Mentor class. He reengaged with the Prosperos and has worked on the Assembly Committee the past two years and also on the Communication Team.

This presentation is about 47 minutes long; William Fennie does the introduction. The Transcendental Interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer is read by Robert Labansat from a recording in 1972.

Richard Hartnett: Exploring Cosmic Intention, Part 3

Sunday Meeting of August 4, 2024

This talk is the third of a three-part series.

Come join Richard Hartnett as he explores the question Is there a Cosmic Intention? in this exciting new Sunday Meeting series!

Did you miss the first two parts of the series? You can listen to Exploring Cosmic Intention, Part 1 and Exploring Cosmic Intention, Part 2 on the Prosperos Audio Center.

Richard met The Prosperos in the 1970s, received his HW degree in 1975 and received his Mentor certification in 1983. He has supported the school in many ways including serving on the Board of Trustees.

This presentation is about 39 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction. The Transcendental Interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer is read by Robert Labansat from a recording in 1972.

William Fennie On Prosperos Assembly 2024

An interview with Alana Sofia Fennie

The Prosperos Assembly 2024, Creative Empowerment for Change, takes place September 28th and 29th and is delivered online through Zoom.

What is a Prosperos Assembly? Why would you want to attend one? What does Creative Empowerment for Change, mean?

Join Alana Sofia Fennie as she asks William Fennie, H.W., M., these questions and more.

Register for Assembly 2024!

William Fennie is Dean of The Prosperos and chair of the Executive Council. He has worked closely with many Prosperos students over a period of 40 years. In addition to volunteer service helping to maintain The Prosperos websites, William has been active in the High Watch, the Mentors' Association, and The Prosperos Board of Trustees.

This interview was recorded on July 27, 2024 and is about 19 minutes long.

Richard Hartnett On Prosperos Assembly 2024

An interview with Alana Sofia Fennie

The Prosperos Assembly 2024, Creative Empowerment for Change, takes place September 28th and 29th and is delivered online through Zoom.

Join Alana Sofia Fennie as she asks Richard Hartnett, H.W., M., these questions and more. Richard Hartnett serves as the coordinator for Assembly 2024. Also discussed: a preview of Richard’s presentation at the Assembly called Dancing With the Devil.

Register for Assembly 2024!

Mentioned during the interview were the first two parts of Richards’s Sunday Meeting series on Exploring Cosmic Intention. You can listen to Exploring Cosmic Intention, Part 1 and Exploring Cosmic Intention, Part 2 on the Prosperos Audio Center.

Richard met The Prosperos in the 1970s, received his HW degree in 1975 and received his Mentor certification in 1983. He has supported the school in many ways including serving on the Board of Trustees.

This interview was recorded on July 26, 2024 and is about 38 minutes long.

Richard Hartnett: Exploring Cosmic Intention, Part 2

Sunday Meeting of May 26, 2024

This talk is the second of a three-part series.

Come join Richard Hartnett as he explores the question Is there a Cosmic Intention? in this exciting new Sunday Meeting series!

Did you miss the first part of the series? You can listen to Exploring Cosmic Intention, Part 1 on the Prosperos Audio Center.

Richard met The Prosperos in the 1970s, received his HW degree in 1975 and received his Mentor certification in 1983. He has supported the school in many ways including serving on the Board of Trustees.

This presentation is about an hour long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction. The Transcendental Interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer is read by Robert Labansat from a recording in 1972.

Richard Hartnett On His Cosmic Intention Series

An interview with Alana Sofia Fennie

Alana Sofia Fennie interviews Richard Hartnett, H.W., M., about his three part Sunday Meeting series Exploring Cosmic Intention.

Topics include:

  • the inspiration for the series

  • the difference between and interrelation of the objective and subjective

  • emergent function and how it’s related to Cosmic Intention

  • becoming a conscious participant in the unfolding of awareness

You can listen to Exploring Cosmic Intention, Part 1 and Exploring Cosmic Intention, Part 2 on the Prosperos Audio Center. Part 3 is scheduled for Sunday, August 4th, 2024

Richard met The Prosperos in the 1970s, received his HW degree in 1975 and received his Mentor certification in 1983. He has supported the school in many ways including serving on the Board of Trustees.

This presentation occurred on June 26, 2024 and is about 51 minutes long.

Who's Your Daddy Now?

Sunday Meeting of June 23, 2024
with Pam Rodolph, H.W., M.

Pam Rodolph, H.W., M.

Pam Rodolph’s presentation offers a stimulating exploration of the “father/masculine” principle/archetype.

Pam, H.W., M., is a long-time student who hosts the Weekly Open Discussion Group on Fridays at 5:30 PM Pacific..

This presentation is about 37 minutes long; the introduction is by Janet Cornwell H.W., m.

William Fennie: Reidentifying for Creative Empowerment

Sunday Meeting of May 05, 2024

The period between spring and summer is ideal to embrace and celebrate your creativity.

During this presentation William will share insights into how you can gain a fresh sense of creativity and possibility through a process of reidentification.

William Fennie is Dean of The Prosperos and chair of the Executive Council. He has worked closely with many Prosperos students over a period of 40 years. In addition to volunteer service helping to maintain The Prosperos websites, William has been active in the High Watch, the Mentors' Association, and The Prosperos Board of Trustees.

This presentation is about 48 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction.

Anne Bollman talks about Advance Seminar class

An interview with Alana Sofia Fennie

Alana Sofia Fennie interviews Anne Bollman, H.W., M., about the Advance Seminar class she will present on May 18 and 19, 2024

Anne came to The Prosperos through her parents. Anne is a member of the High Watch and is a Mentor.  She has given monitor classes and workshops along with giving Sunday Meeting talks.  She also serves as a Trustee and on the Executive Council.

This presentation is about 24 minutes long.

Information and registration for this class is available through The Prosperos website.

HughJohn Malanaphy: Getting to Know Your Dream Shadow

Sunday Meeting of april 14, 2024
with HughJohn Malanaphy, H.W., M.

Our Dream Shadow will show up from time to time in our dreams. It can be scary but brings some opportunities for growth and to understand some of our unknown strengths.

HughJohn also runs a dream interpretation workshop with the Prosperos.

HughJohn Malanaphy, H.W., M., is a long-time student who serves as President of The Prosperos. HughJohn's given many classes, workshops, Sunday Meetings, Assembly talks, and Class Instruction. He is a facilitator for the dream workshop for many years, and honored to be a student of Thane of Hawaii, an amazing teacher and founder of The Prosperos. He is also an Information Technology professional, a certified graphologist, and a board member on various non-profit's. HughJohn continues his personal study in lucid dreaming, dream interpretation, and many other areas of interest.

This presentation is about 36 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction.

William Fennie: The Magic of Restructuring

Sunday Meeting of March 31, 2024

Easter is one of the holidays that celebrate the magic of new life, new possibilities, and fresh starts.

So, how is the ol’ inner landscape looking these days ?

A big part of welcoming a fresh start is to say goodbye to ways of being that have become stale, predictable, or uninspiring. During this presentation William will investigate the challenges and rewards of taking a fresh view - not forgetting the power of genuine resurrection.

William Fennie is Dean of The Prosperos and chair of the Executive Council. He has worked closely with many Prosperos students over a period of 40 years. In addition to volunteer service helping to maintain The Prosperos websites, William has been active in the High Watch, the Mentors' Association, and The Prosperos Board of Trustees.

This presentation is about 43 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction.

Richard Hartnett talks about Translation class

An interview with Alana Sofia Fennie

Alana Sofia Fennie interviews Richard Hartnett, H.W., M., about the Translation class he will present on March 23 and 24, 2024

Richard met The Prosperos in the 1970s, received his HW degree in 1975 and received his Mentor certification in 1983. He has supported the school in many ways including serving on the Board of Trustees.

This presentation is about 32 minutes long.

Richard Hartnett: Exploring Cosmic Intention, Part 1

Sunday Meeting of February 25, 2024

Richard Hartnett, H.W., M., talks about the Releasing The Hidden Splendour™ technique and the hidden gifts for students who practice regularly.

Richard met The Prosperos in the 1970s, received his HW degree in 1975 and received his Mentor certification in 1983. He has supported the school in many ways including serving on the Board of Trustees.

This presentation is about 43 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction.

William Fennie: The Prosperos and the Fourth Way

Sunday Meeting of February 11, 2024

What does it mean to participate in a School that follows a Fourth Way tradition ?

The rich heritage of the Fourth Way provides many resources for Self discovery. The Prosperos' curriculum draws upon this awesome lineage while transforming some of the practices, drawing upon 20th century psychology and the Advanced Practice of Ontology (Translation®).

This presentation will outline some of the ways that Fourth Way practice has been integrated in our 21st Century suite of transformational tools and experiences - and some of the ways it has not.

William Fennie is Dean of The Prosperos and chair of the Executive Council. He has worked closely with many Prosperos students over a period of 40 years. In addition to volunteer service helping to maintain The Prosperos websites, William has been active in the High Watch, the Mentors' Association, and The Prosperos Board of Trustees.

This presentation is about 47 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction.