Innate Self

Anne Bollman: Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Sunday Meeting of February 09, 2025

Where we focus our attention in our lives is very important.  It can determine the quality of our life and the direction it takes.

Anne Bollman H.W.,M. has been a Prosperos student since she was introduced to our School through her parents. She is a member of the High Watch and a Mentor.  She has given monitor classes and workshops along with giving Sunday Meeting talks.  She also serves on the Board of Trustees and on the Executive Council. Her interests include studies in mythology, astrology, history and science.

This presentation is about 23 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction, Ruth Backlund reads Thane’s Transcendental Interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer (from 1973).

Heather Williams: Connecting With Our Innate Self

Sunday Meeting of October 20, 2024

It is time for all of us to learn about our INNATE SELF. It is the part of us that lives constantly within us all - through all the different changes that we experience. HEY! What is our INNATE SELF?  Well, if you look up the word "INNATE" you find the words: Native, Inborn and Inherent - which also mean Essential and Intrinsic or basic and necessary. Our INNATE SELF is the Source of our creativity.

Heather became a Mentor in The Prosperos School of Ontology in 1978. She has taught the Prosperos classes (Translation® and Releasing the Hidden Splendour™) for many years in many different cities. For ten years she traveled the world and led drawing exercises for hundreds of people with the Louise Hay Int’l Teacher Training. Heather is a retired Art and Special Ed teacher for high school and middle school students. She is the author of the book: Drawing as a Sacred Activity.

This presentation is about 31 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction.

Anne Bollman: Finding Wholeness in a Fragmented World

Sunday Meeting of october 13, 2024

“Finding Wholeness in a Fragmented World”

David Bohm was a physicist and a contemporary of Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr and Werner Heisenberg.  But he was not satisfied with the traditional view of physics.  He thought there had to be more to how we have fragmented ourselves from our world.  His search led him to find the wholeness behind this apparent fragmentation and to understand the implicit order of consciousness.

Anne Bollman H.W.,M. has been a Prosperos student since she was introduced to our School through her parents. She is a member of the High Watch and a Mentor.  She has given monitor classes and workshops along with giving Sunday Meeting talks.  She also serves on the Board of Trustees and on the Executive Council. Her interests include studies in mythology, astrology, history and science.

This presentation is about 21 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction and Bob Labanset reads Thane’s Transcendental Interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer (1973).