Our Dream Shadow will show up from time to time in our dreams. It can be scary but brings some opportunities for growth and to understand some of our unknown strengths.
HughJohn also runs a dream interpretation workshop with the Prosperos.
HughJohn Malanaphy, H.W., M., is a long-time student who serves as President of The Prosperos. HughJohn's given many classes, workshops, Sunday Meetings, Assembly talks, and Class Instruction. He is a facilitator for the dream workshop for many years, and honored to be a student of Thane of Hawaii, an amazing teacher and founder of The Prosperos. He is also an Information Technology professional, a certified graphologist, and a board member on various non-profit's. HughJohn continues his personal study in lucid dreaming, dream interpretation, and many other areas of interest.
This presentation is about 36 minutes long; Janet Cornwell does the introduction.