Transcendentalism Series

Transcendentalism #12

Presentation date : January 17, 1971

This lesson is given the day after the first presentation of what would come to be called “Cosmic Intention Therapy” - “the new space-phase of religion” as one student put it.

Mary Ritley’s introduction is mentioned several times as being more relevant to the material that was given during the class than what will be delivered during this talk.

Her introduction is missing - how did that happen ?

Thane also introduces a woman who, as a child of 9, sat through the original Zion lessons in the late 1930s.

The woman’s mother was named was Virginia Stilton, and Thane remarks that she was an unusual voice, especially for that time and that place.

This lesson is about re-interpreting the Lord’s Prayer.

Thane's Transcendentalism Audio Lessons

I'm in the process of editing and posting 40 lessons given in 1970 and 1971 to The Prosperos website and to the Internet Archive. So far, I've completed 10 lessons. Lessons available can be found in the Open Meetings section of this website.

It's a lot of work because I trim the greeter's remarks from each copy, leaving only a brief introduction of the speaker and Thane's presentation. The opening meditation and closing music have been removed to avoid copyright hassles.

So, it's a matter of loading the existing audio file into an audio editor along with the introduction and closing tags, trimming where necessary, and saving to mp3.