December 7 is the birthday of this Sagittarian, beloved to many Prosperos students over many years.
We remember Billye for her forthright and compassionate kokua - her deep caring for all of her students.
Comments about the archive
and about the teachings of
Thane of Hawaii
December 7 is the birthday of this Sagittarian, beloved to many Prosperos students over many years.
Teaching class in July 1998
We remember Billye for her forthright and compassionate kokua - her deep caring for all of her students.
The Prosperos website is undergoing a complete redesign and will come on line early next year with a new Members section and new contributions every week from Mentors, students, and friends. Responsive design will allow easy access from any device. Check out the screenshots below - more to come in the coming weeks.
A new Moonwobble report outlines the dynamics of this cycle where the Sun in Scorpio will square the North node in Leo and South node in Aquarius. Taurus is also involved due to Uranus at the early degrees of that sign.
Long-time students Richard Hartnett and Heather Williams invite you to come to The Prosperos Annual Assembly . . . .
Long-time students Hugh John and Maureen Malanaphy invite you to come to The Prosperos Annual Assembly . . . with a special backdrop !
Heather Williams, H.W., M.
The Prosperos Dean, Al Haferkamp, and Heather Williams, H.W., M., invite you to join us for the 61st Annual Assembly of The Prosperos this Labor Day in Long Beach, California.
Our Dean, Al Haferkamp, has posted a video holiday greeting: check it out.
Ben Thompson notes that blogging as a means for individual self-expression is far from dead, although the shape is changing and a lot depends on what you’re after :
A big problem with this entire discussion is that there really isn’t a widely agreed-upon definition of what a blog is, thanks in part to the rise of sites like TechCrunch that ran on WordPress and presented posts in reverse-chronological order and so, at least in the beginning, were called “blogs”; add to that the thinly-disguised PR-channels known as “company blogs” and it’s easy to get confused.And so, to be clear, when I speak of the “blog” I am referring to a regularly-updated site that is owned-and-operated by an individual (there is, of course, the “group blog,” but it too has a clearly-defined set of authors). And there, in that definition, is the reason why, despite the great unbundling, the blog has not and will not die: it is the only communications tool, in contrast to every other social service, that is owned by the author; to say someone follows a blog is to say someone follows a person (This applies both for amateur and professional bloggers; most of the rest of this post is concerned with the latter).
There’s a lot to digest here for those of us who wish to share what we’ve learned from Thane and other teachers.
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